More About The Campaign
JULY 2022
The final part of the transport appraisal has now been submitted to Transport Scotland for review and comment. You can download the full final STAG report here The report concludes that the rail option is the best of all the solutions that fit the objectives of the transport appraisal for Newburgh and its area.
In 2019 Newburgh Train Station Group, South East of Scotland Transport Partnership (SEStran) and Fife Council commissioned SYSTRA Ltd to undertake a transport appraisal of Newburgh, building on work already undertaken by NTSG.
The work in progress has passed the first stage of approval from Transport Scotland and continues now in 2020, focussing on improving sustainable transport access for Newburgh to and from Perth, Edinburgh and Fife.
More About The Campaign
JULY 2022
The final part of the transport appraisal has now been submitted to Transport Scotland for review and comment. The report concludes that the rail option is the best of all the solutions that fit the objectives of the transport appraisal for Newburgh and its area. You can download the full final STAG report here
In 2019 Newburgh Train Station Group, South East of Scotland Transport Partnership (SEStran) and Fife Council commissioned SYSTRA Ltd to undertake a transport appraisal of Newburgh, building on work already undertaken by NTSG.
The work in progress has passed the first stage of approval from Transport Scotland and continues now in 2020, focussing on improving sustainable transport access for Newburgh to and from Perth, Edinburgh and Fife.
It is funded via Transport Scotland’s 2018 Local Rail Development Fund (LRDF) and follows Transport Scotland’s Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance (STAG).
This can be followed on the project website Improving Transport For Newburgh at:
Newburgh Train Station Group initiated and carried out a STAG pre-appraisal between 2017 and 2018 to lay the ground for further STAG appraisal work: Newburgh_STAG_Pre-Appraisal_June2018
The campaign to reopen the station at Newburgh was initiated through the work done by Newburgh Community Trust and Sustainable Newburgh in a series of linked projects that included looking into the feasibility of a station provision for Newburgh: Sustainable_Newburgh_Report.pdf
The commissioning of a report by the Deltix Consultancy invigorated a renewed interest amongst the community in Newburgh in this as a realistic possibility and in June 2011 led to the formation of a campaign group to forward this aim:
Writing to the Tay Plan process during 2011 to advocate this and lobbying local MSPs to do the same resulted in a cross party motion in the Scottish Parliament calling for a station to be reinstated for Newburgh. It also resulted in a higher strategic priority given to a station option for Newburgh and the need for a full transport appraisal for Newburgh and its immediate area incorporated into the final Tay Plan when it was published and approved by Scottish Government ministers in the summer of 2012:
Approved_Action_Programme_2012_Short_Version.pdf and Approved_Action_Programme_2012_Long_Version.pdf
The campaign has subsequently been continually pressing local councillors, MSPs and both Scottish Government ministers and officials as well as local government officers, to forward a full transport appraisal for Newburgh and its catchment area as a priority. This has resulted to date in some commitment to a transport appraisal for Newburgh from the authorities but has also shown up the political and administrative inertia involved in getting this moving.
The campaign as of now is ensuring a transport appraisal for Newburgh is conducted by the statutory authorities responsible at government and local government level, sooner rather than later, and in a way that is open and transparent as well as accessible to the local community who will not only monitor this but also ensure it is integral to the way it is conducted as set out in the Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidelines (STAG), thus playing a full active part in the whole appraisal process:
To this end the Newburgh Train Station Campaign has nearly completed a door to door household survey of the whole of Newburgh and it’s catchment area. The results so far show an overwhelming demand for a station facility and provide a convincing patronage case for a reopening.
The long awaited SYSTRA Report of 2015 shows the feasibility of a station at Newburgh in a good light: